MOTA – 1:1 Yoni Tincture (700mg)


600mg THC 100mg CBD

This tincture is specifically designed for woman to help relieve pain associated with PMS and menstrual cramps. It contains a high dosage of THC, along with a low dose of body-soothing CBD to help deliver those compounds to all of your CB1 and CB2 receptors. This alcohol and vegetable glycerine based tincture delivers fast relief when you need it the most. Ingredients include organic cramp bark, organic elderberries, passionflower, organic red raspberry leaf, and organic motherwort, along with solvent-free cannabis and CBD oil. Everything needed to get you back to feeling you.


600mg THC 100mg CBD per 30ml bottle

20mg THC 3mg CBD per ml

Pain | Inflammation | Anxiety | Stress | Depression | Insomnia | Restlessness | Muscle Spasms | Seizures

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